There has been much discussion of the new content and streamlined gameplay in Axie Infinity: Origin V3.0. Discover the ins and outs of using Runes and Charms and how to buy or sell your assets in this Axie Infinity Origin guide.
You’ll need both of these items if you want to do well in Lunacia. It is crucial to have a firm grasp of their functions and how they can benefit your gameplay.
Axie Runes
Runes are in-game items that can enhance your Axies’ skills or add entirely new ones to their skills. When a fighting situation requires rune activation, it will occur automatically. Only one Rune may be equipped with an Axie, and they are obtained through several crafting methods.
Only a Plant Rune can be placed on a Plant Axie due to the requirement that Runes and Axies be of the same class.
Some rare Runes aren’t available in the shop but can be won in limited-time challenges and other events.
Axie Charms
Charms are specialized items used in-game to enhance or add new capabilities to your Axie cards. One of the most useful functions of Charms is lowering the energy expenditure required to use an Axie Card. Moreover, Charms can raise the value of base statistics like Health (HP) and Damage (DMG). Each Axie Card can hold exactly one Charm.
Charms can be classified as either “Class” or “Neutral,” depending on their intended use.
Class Charms: To attach a Class Charm to an ability, both the ability and the Class Charm must be of the same class.
Neutral Charms: A Neutral Charm, as opposed to a Class Charm, can be attached to any skill. With each Charm equipped, Axie loses Potential Points.
Not all Charms can be crafted in the game. Obtaining them requires taking part in unique game modes or events.
Classes: Dawn, Dusk, Plant, Reptile, Mech, Aqua, Beast, Bird, Bug, and Neutral.
Rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Mystic.
Ronin Runes and Charms
When making Ronin Runes or Charms, you must always have both SLP and Moon Shard to craft. Look for the “R” symbol to identify a Ronin Rune or Charm.
The newly minted Runes and Charms are then available for purchase and sale in the Axie Marketplace.
These Runes and Charms can be disenchanted at any time to regain some SLP and Moon Shard, and they all expire at the start of a new season.
Sealed Runes and Charms
Bound items, such as sealed Runes and Charms, can only be used within the game. It is forbidden to mint or sell these runes and charms on the Market.
These items can be created by players using a Moon Shard.
Runes and Charms sealed before expiring at the start of a new season can be disenchanted at any time to regain Moon Shard.
Non-NFT and NFT Runes & Charms
While NFT Runes can be traded on the Market, Neutral Runes and Charms will never be for sale. Classes will be assigned to these Runes and Charms.
Seasonal and Nonseasonal Runes & Charms
Each passing season adds new seasonal Runes and Charms to the game. Nonseasonal Runes exist as well, but new ones are rarely added. Additionally, certain Seasonal Runes will be discontinued each season, while Nonseasonal Runes will always be available.
Remember that Runes that aren’t currently in season will be less powerful than seasonal Runes. No longer usable in either crafting or combat, deprecated Runes and Charms can still be kept as collectibles.
Axie Infinity Potential Points
An Axie is rewarded with a predetermined number of Potential Points for having particular body parts. To add Charms to Axies, you can use your earned points.
Here are some of the information from Axie Infinity’s official support to learn more about Potential Points and how they function:
To calculate an Axie’s PP, we must look at its body parts. Potential Points are categorized by the type of body part they affect. A reptilian tail, for instance, is a reptilian potential point.
The Charm’s Potential Points must be the same type as the target.
The Potential Points of an Axie are reduced when charms are used on it. Once redeemed, the withdrawn points will become available for use.
Despite their versatility, Neutral Charms have a negative impact on a Class’s Potential Points when installed. Axie loses any potential points from a plant card when a neutral charm is placed on it.
The amount of Potential Points each Charm might cost is shown in the top left corner of that Charm.
Axie Infinity Pureness Bonus
The Potential Points with the Pureness Bonus can be used to your advantage. Having multiple body parts in the same class will increase your total Potential Points for that class. If you have three of Dusk’s body parts, you’ll receive an increase in your Potential Points.
The following formula will help you better understand the Pureness Bonus and Potential Points:
1×1 (Bird part) + 0 (Pureness bonuses) = 1 Bird Potential Points
1×6 (Reptile part) + 6 (Pureness bonuses) = 12 Reptile Potential Points
How to Sell Runes and Charms
Step 1: Click Origin Portal from your Dashboard. Then, your Runes and Charms will appear.
Players can transfer virtual items like Ronin Charms and Runes from their Ronin wallets to Axie Infinity: Origin and back again using the Origin Portal.
Consequently, this will enable the trading of NFT runes and charms in the Marketplace.
Note: There is an AXS fee per Rune or Charm that you wish to withdraw from your Ronin account or mint them. For instance, minting two runes of Pure Instinct requires payment.
Because of this, the required amount of AXS will change based on its value at the withdrawal time.
A Rune or Charm that was just crafted or deposited can’t be minted or withdrawn again until 168 hours (7 days) have passed. Since the token is burned during the deposit process in Axie Infinity: Origin, re-minting the Rune or Charm onto the blockchain will incur a new AXS fee.
Step 2: You will see a list of all the in-game assets you can withdraw. You must choose the asset you want to sell and then click “Withdraw.” A new window will instantly appear on your screen.
Step 3: The next step is to confirm the transaction within your Ronin wallet. If this is your first withdrawal, you must grant Marketplace access to the type of assets you wish to withdraw.
Step 4: The items should be deposited into your “In-wallet assets” section shortly after approval.
There is no way to use a Rune or Charm that has been withdrawn or minted outside the game until it is deposited again to your “In-game assets.”
Step 5: Go to your inventory and then choose Runes and Charms. Select the item you wish to sell.
To learn the current market value of an asset, if you are unaware of its cost, select the “All Listing” button.
Step 6: Return to your inventory and click the “Sell” button. Input the quantity and selling price of the asset you wish to sell.
Step 7: Select the “Approve” button to grant your marketplace permission to utilize your Rune and Charm. Then, verify your Ronin wallet.
How to Buy Runes and Charms
Ronin runes and charms can be purchased or gifted in the game. Through the Ronin Portal, players can add SLP that they have purchased or gifted. In-game Runes and Charms can be crafted with the SLP tokens deposited.
Step 1: Visit your Marketplace.
Step 2: Choose the asset type you wish to purchase (Runes or Charms).
Step 3: You will then be presented with a list of assets that are available for purchase. Then, select the asset you wish to acquire and click “Buy.” A window for confirmation will appear.
If this is your first purchase, you must grant Marketplace access to the type of assets you intend to deposit.
Step 4: Choose how you would like to pay for the asset (WETH, AXS, SLD, or USDC). You will see the details and total cost of the asset you wish to acquire.
Step 5: Click the “Buy Now” button.
Step 6: Check your inventory to see the item that you purchased.
Step 7: To complete the asset transfer to your Axie Origin account, click “Origins Portal.”
Step 8: From the “In-wallet assets” section, choose the item you wish to deposit and click the “Deposit” button in the top right corner of the screen.
Step 9: Click the “Deposit to game” button. Then verify your wallet. The purchased asset will then appear in your “In-game assets” section, which can be utilized in your game.