Genesis Universe
🕒 Last Updated January 16, 2024
Genesis Universe is a metaverse exploration game based on the ancient mythologies, the explorations and the struggles in the new world by ancient mythical characters from all over the world, made possible with Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
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More about Genesis Universe
Supported Devices
Minimum Cost
$10 USD
Suggested Cost
$90 USD
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Game Category
Metaverse Exploration
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Genesis Universe Game Review
Genesis Universe is a metaverse exploration RPG strategy game based on mythology from around the world, following the adventures and hardships of legendary heroes as they discover and adapt to a brave new world. The game utilizes Binance blockchain technology and has partnered with Binance NFT, BitKeep, Celestial, 1Sol, HyperPay Wallet, and many more.
Genesis Universe is a digital MMO video game where players can acquire a wide variety of hero cards through trading and drawing to engage in battles and earn rewards. Players have complete control over the game’s value system, as they are free to buy, sell, and barter with digital currencies anytime.
You can join the game’s community through their social media platforms like Discord and Twitter to have real-time updates regarding the game.
Superchain: Superchain, a blockchain startup, developed and published the Genesis Universe game independently. Superchain is a company dedicated to blockchain-related R&D, apps, and game project services.
Game Mechanics
In classic blockchain games, players enjoy becoming immersed in the game’s world and mechanics. Web3 gaming industry adds more monetary aspects, most notably the rise of P2E, which allows the GameFi experience even to become a source of cryptocurrency or fiat money.
This makes the demographics of Web3 gamers considerably more representative of the global population than players of more traditional games. One of the best things about Web3 games is their massive worldwide player base.
In contrast to the Genesis Universe card game, other simplistic P2E games focus on maximizing profits at the expense of player experience by simplifying the game mechanism by introducing a set of unchangeable routines.
The game features Liquidity Mining, NFT Card Trading, and Draw Card. The possibilities in Genesis Universe are endless, with six factions, five-star systems, and thirty different playable characters. In addition to its base level, each card can be upgraded in attack, defense, constitution, and agility.
The characteristics will improve after a level of improvement. Game outcomes will vary depending on which sets of cards are used. In addition, there are collecting cards that can be sold for a profit. Having even one usable card in your hand might drastically change the game’s outcome.
Players must strategically place their forces in a battle to maximize their chances of winning game credits and ensure that every card’s value remains stable regardless of whether or not other players are interested in the same cards.
Picking a side is mandatory for gameplay. If you provide the faction NPC with the right supplies, they’ll create a hero that can handle themselves in battle while also adapting to the new world. Once the Hero Card NFT is purchased and the tokens are obtained, they will be added to a Wallet where they can be stored and used on the blockchain.
New players must create their wallet address, obtain Bep20 tokens, and connect the wallet to get started.
Card Gallery
Both limited-edition and standard-issue gaming cards are produced during the making of NFT Universe Cards.
Limited-Edition Cards: Without regard to camp affiliation, limited-edition cards are rated from 1 to 5 stars, with one being the lowest and five the highest; limited-edition cards can increase the player’s coin production in the game, and higher-level cards require the player to have already amassed a certain number of lower-level cards before they can be used.
Game Cards: Ratings for Game Cards go from one star (lowest) to five stars (highest) on an escalating scale. Cards in the game are split into six different groups, representing Egypt, Greece, Northern Europe, China, India, and Japan.
Each group’s card deck can be joined with other groups to form a more powerful army. A character’s game card will list their attack, defense, constitution, and agility stats. Participating in gameplay raises your cards’ starting level and improves their stats.
Genesis Universe Tokenomics
Genesis Universe crypto token is called GUT.
The game’s primary in-game token is required for various actions and transactions, including minting new NFT, upgrading existing NFT, staking for membership and Defi earnings, and staking for utility items within the game’s ecosystem.
Play-to-earn with Genesis Universe
Genesis Universe recognizes that the reward is in the sweat of long hours of development effort that pays out as a useful product.
While playing games on the Genesis Universe virtual world, users can earn incentives for their participation.
Genesis Universe Tokens (GUT) can be earned through the game’s accomplishment system for registering for an account and collecting NFTs.
Since the community is responsible for much of a blockchain project’s success, its participants should be compensated fairly for their efforts. The Genesis Universe platform values and provides various incentives for community contributions.
Token holders will benefit most from a successful and developed gaming universe. Holders will have voice power when it comes to game development.
Getting in-game items or digital assets from the overall prize pool, mining claims, and getting rewards through player-to-player combat, or “P2E,” are the two primary ways to get money in this NFT game.
Liquidity incentives can be obtained when players pledge LP to the Farm in exchange for GUT tokens and USDT, adding GUT tokens and USDT to PancakeSwap. Earnings from the mining pool might be increased or decreased depending on the size of the prize pool and the total amount pledged.
Locking GUT enables players to become members of the membership system and gain access to exclusive privileges, such as increased chances to win cards and mining income. A portion of the exit price will be taken from the player’s total when they open GUT, a new feature added by Genesis Universe to the lock-up.
Getting Started
You can follow these quick steps to get started with Genesis Universe!