Pizza Game

Pizza Game


🕒 Last Updated December 6, 2023

Pizza Game is an Avalanche on-chain game inspired by our favorite childhood online game, Cookie Clicker. To play Pizza Game, you must purchase a Pizza Chef and stake them in the Pizzeria.

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Minimum Cost

$19 USD

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$312 USD

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Idle - Staking


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Pizza Game Game Review

The classic Avalanche network on-chain game, Cookie Clicker, inspired Pizza Game. The goal of Pizza Game is to stake NFT. Pizza Chef NFT is purchased by users, who then use them to get tokens. Optimizing Pizzeria’s performance requires striking a balance between the number of cooks, the variety of tools available, and the level of the restaurant.

You can only start the Pizza Game by buying a Pizza Chef and staking them in the Pizzeria. A chef will generate $PIZZA every minute when staked.

The blockchain game picked Avalanche because of its friendly user base and cheap gas prices, making it possible for people with any money in their pocket to mint and trade NFTs. It can also be used to build smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps) for automated DeFi activity control.

You can follow the game’s social media accounts like Twitter (https://twitter.com/PizzadotGame) to be updated on Pizza’s trending Flash News or join the Pizza Party for incredible rewards.

Game Mechanics

The gameplay concepts of Pizza Game are easy to grasp and relate to people’s regular lives. Pizza baking is a fun way to make a living. As such, the game’s developers will have their work cut out for them if they want to attract DeFi players with an original offering.

A gamers equipment grows over time, including everything from a basic pizza cutter to an advanced pizza portal. The player’s $PIZZA production rate will increase while using these aids.

Pizzeria: Stake your cooks in the Pizzeria to set them to work. You can only stake ten chefs at the Pizzeria at the outset. When demand for your pizza increases, you can hire more cooks.

The Master Chef can make three $PIZZAS when it takes a regular chef to make one. Ten percent of the $PIZZA is burned, and ten percent is put in the Freezer when you claim it after it has been prepared.

Every cook on the $PIZZA crew is exhausted after a long shift. As the cooks’ exhaustion increases, they cannot continue making $PIZZA.

Mafia: Mafia Bosses occasionally visit pizzerias and steal a cut of all the pizzas sold. The community can bribe the Mafia out of town if they band together. After the Mafia Boss is gone, those who paid bribes get one raffle ticket each.

You can pay as much as you like to the Mafia Boss until they leave, at which point you can reclaim your Pizza without paying them a portion.

NFT Chefs

You can purchase Pizza Chefs, ERC721 NFTs, in AVAX and use them as your entry ticket into the game’s metaverse. When a Chef is staked in a pizza parlor, they generate $PIZZA every minute, which can be claimed and used to buy equipment.

Robot Chefs: Chefs or Master Chefs, $PIZZA, and Motherboards are required to build new Robot Chefs. Motherboards are made by stealing parts from Robot Assistants, not tokens that may be transferred.

Chef Tools

You can hire more cooks or invest in state-of-the-art cooking equipment to increase your $PIZZA output. Chef resources are also tradable ERC721 NFTs on exchanges like NFTrade and TofuNFT.

All tools are scarce and can only be purchased with $PIZZA and $SODA. Ninety-eight percent of the minting budget will be burned. The remaining two percent is invested in expanding Trader Joe’s $PIZZA-$SODA liquidity.

The idea is simple, acquire some Chefs and make some Pizza, stake your $PIZZA-AVAX liquidity pair in the Soda Fountain to farm Soda, and then improve your Pizza and buy tools to produce more Pizza.

Soda Fountain: One can purchase $SODA at the soda fountain. Create a $PIZZA-AVAX liquidity combination on Trader Joe’s and stake LP tokens in the Soda Fountain to start earning $SODA.

Freezer: You may double or even triple your $PIZZA earnings by betting them in the Freezer. The Freezer receives ten percent of all $PIZZA claimed in the Pizzeria.

Pizza Game Tokenomics

Two main cryptocurrency tokens are available in Pizza Game: $PIZZA and $SODA. However, over time, the Pizza team added a new token called $RONI.

$PIZZA Token

The $PIZZA ERC20 token can be spent in-game on various cooking equipment and chefs or traded for other tokens on platforms like Trader Joe’s.

There is an infinite supply of $PIZZA since all cooks will continue to make it forever. But $PIZZA is continually being spent as players claim $PIZZA in the Pizzeria, mint tools, mint Gen-1 cooks, and unstake $PIZZA from the Freezer.

Once the repairs are complete, the $PIZZA output from the Pizzeria will cease, and the supply will be capped, leading to deflation. Energy drinks, cup production, and maintenance will be the fuel sources for $PIZZA.

$SODA Token

$SODA is a delicious addition to the Pizza Game, tokenized in the same ERC20 standard as $PIZZA, but with a deflationary economy modeled after the ‘Chikn game.’

Deflationary $SODA is burnt off when you buy new kitchen equipment and refurbish your Pizzeria.

The Soda Station will still be the primary source of $SODA, and you’ll still need to burn Tools and $PIZZA-AVAX LP to boost your SPD and decrease your $RONI emissions. Due to the deflationary nature of $PIZZA also permanently adds $PIZZA-AVAX LP, making the portfolio more secure.

$RONI Token

According to the game’s Whitepaper, the game has introduced a new token called pepperoni ($RONI). Chefs and tools can be staked at the Pizzeria for $RONI. Trader Joe’s will offer a $RONI-$PIZZA liquidity pair, and $RONI’s inflation rate will be lower than that of $ PIZZA’s.

Energy Drink: In the latest update of Pizza Game, energizing beverages have been introduced. For a low price of $PIZZA, these beverages provide a short-term increase in $RONI production.

Play-to-earn with Pizza Game

The play-to-earn goal is simple, and you must strive hard to produce the most $PIZZA possible, amass the most appliances and cooks, and rule the pizza world. Most of the game’s digital assets can be traded and exchanged for real-world money.

There will be a weekly pizza party that lasts for seven days. Tickets can be purchased throughout the celebration for the chance to win $PIZZA and NFT goodies.

Every action you take within the game has the potential to increase your earnings. You can visit the game’s official website, https://pizza.ouroborosp2e.com/, to officially play the game and be updated on the game’s NFTs on NFTrade.

Getting Started

You can follow these quick steps to get started with Pizza Game!

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Step 1: Set up wallet

Follow this guide to get set up on Metamask Wallet

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Step 2: How to Start

Follow this guide on how to get started with Pizza Game

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Step 3: Acquire Assets

Apply for a guild below or buy assets to start playing.

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Step 4: Log In & Play

Now you can begin your adventure, good luck!

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