


🕒 Last Updated November 18, 2023

Tacticards is an innovative Trading Card Game (TCG) that aims to combine the best of the Tactics and TCG genres. It's based on the Axie Infinity IP, making use of the adorable creatures called Axies and aligning its lore to the Lunacia universe. It brings an easy gameplay system that is straightforward to learn but hard to master.

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$9 USD

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Card - Strategy


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TactiCards Game Review

Tacticards is a new blockchain-based Trading Card Game that merges the tactical and collectible card game communities. In keeping with the Lunacia, it is based on the Axie Infinity intellectual property and features the cute little creatures known as Axies. It has a simple gameplay structure that is easy to pick up but challenging to master.

To find and move troops or characters via squared distances, classic RPG Tactics games typically use a grid with accessible spaces. In this tactical role-playing game, players take turns controlling their characters as they employ their many skills and combat abilities to defeat their adversaries.

Traditional unique games like Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic: The Gathering, and Pokémon feature physical cards with varying statistics to create strategic battles.

The designer of TactiCards, Eduardo Yepes, claims that the game’s immense competitive potential and widespread distribution across blockchain gaming platforms ensure it will achieve widespread ecosystem success.

To ensure the security of transactions on its blockchain technology, TactiCards will adhere to the ERC-1155 protocol. There has been a history of success with this token standard being used in the Ethereum blockchain.

Game Mechanics

Strategic and tactical turn-based action for two gamers is at the heart of TactiCards. Like chess, you set pieces on a board and take turns moving them.

The three important game elements are Cards, Game Boards, and Life Points.

Cards: Every Unit card contains the following components: a Name, a Type, and a Description, all of which can have effects.

A Spell Card’s effects are described in the card’s text box. The Energy required to activate each Spell Effect on the card is completely up to the designer’s discretion. If the Spell has multiple Spell Effects, only one can be used simultaneously, and the player who controls the card gets to choose which one to use.

Game Boards: The board has important elements: Field, Main Deck, Grave, Energy Deck, Energy Pool, and Depleted Pool. The card amounts information is shown in both players.

Life Points: When a player starts the game, the player will have 30 Life Points.

On the other hand, the NFT game will introduce a Digital Format and Physical Format.

Digital Format

The video game modes are Casual match, Ranked, Tournament, Tutorial, Adventure Mode, and RPG.

All players will have access to the Core Game Set, a collection of non-blockchain cards. It’s free, and the first few chapters of Adventure Mode grant access to the game’s card deck.

Digital assets like card sets can be rented for the game’s premium currency or purchased outright for real money.

The game’s target platform will be a Browser, iOs, and Android.

Physical Format

The official digital game release and the actual TactiCards game product will debut simultaneously and use the same Core Card Set.

Because of its low price and continued availability, the Core Card Set is ideal for introducing new players to this strategy game.

New card sets will be printed and distributed six months after their digital companion is released. The digital version will allow us to perform the necessary balancing at that time. This is done so that gamers can avoid having to ban any cards from competitive play because they are too powerful.

In-person competitions are crucial to keeping fans engaged and invested.

TactiCards Tokenomics

Since the mini-game is from Axie Builders Program, it will utilize Axie infinity’s Governance token and Utility token, Smooth Love Potion (SLP) and Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) tokens.

SLP will be the in-game reward of the game.

Play-to-earn with TactiCards

The multiplayer play-to-earn game was developed with healthy competition in mind. Only players who enjoy the game’s metaverse will feel motivated to spend money on additional cards, compete for prizes, and actively participate in the marketplace. Only a specified percentage of the best-ranked players will receive monetary benefits that can be useful in the real world.

Players are more likely to purchase cards to use in the virtual world and add them to collections than to purchase cards to resell them at ever-increasing prices. Of course, re-sellers also play a vital role in the crypto game community as they increase the worth of existing cryptocurrency assets.

Also, those who progress significantly through Axie Infinity: Origin can earn crypto or be rewarded with rare TactiCards. The awards range from unique card arts to lore-focused chapters in the Adventure and RPG quests.

Content Creators: Two programs are designed to thank content creators for their efforts in spreading the game. Using a referral code to receive full credit for purchasing the first card pack for each new account the creator brings in and using the authentic Lunacian Codes will earn them one percent of all user-to-user exchanges.

Getting Started

You can follow these quick steps to get started with TactiCards!

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Step 1: Set up wallet

Follow this guide to get set up on Ronin Wallet

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Step 2: How to Start

Follow this guide on how to get started with TactiCards

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Step 3: Acquire Assets

Apply for a guild below or buy assets to start playing.

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Step 4: Log In & Play

Now you can begin your adventure, good luck!

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