Legends Of Venari

Legends Of Venari


🕒 Last Updated March 24, 2023

Legends of Venari is an Ethereum-based NFT-based creature collection RPG. Players can explore the planet Caerras in order to “capture” Venari monster NFTs. The game employs an organic growth strategy, with Alpha and Base passes being used to produce more passes for new users to be onboarded.

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Minimum Cost

$90 USD

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Suggested Cost

$100 USD

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Game Category

Adventure - Pet - RPG


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Legends Of Venari Game Review

The Legends of Venari is an Ethereum-based MMO RPG NFT game in which players acquire and battle creatures. The game bases its decisions on three principles: player enjoyment, thoughtfulness, and balance.

In addition, the GameFi project promised that everyone could make money while playing. Legends of Venari allows players to freely mint and catch a wide variety of uncommon Venari.

Around ten people globally are working on Legends of Venari, they are true gamers at heart, and they can’t wait to get their hands on the feedback as they work to make a game that the crypto gaming industry will love.

Game Mechanics

In the Legends of Venari ecosystem, your main objective is to amass a collection of these creatures by doing quests. The core gameplay loop is focused on luring Venari with bait, catching them using rigs, and using the gold and experience gained from these interactions to improve one’s ability to lure and catch various types of Venari.

The game’s primary component, the Venari, is both a desirable and valuable collectible. The new blockchain game’s goal is to amass a large collection of Venaris, from the most common to the rarest, for use in the game’s future metaverse.

It was said that the Venaris was a terrifying monster that lurked in the shadows, its flashing eyes and sharp claws warning of the dangers that lay in wait on the new world of Caerras.

The major territory of Caerras eventually recognized Venari’s abilities through scientific facilities. As a result of this discovery, people can now travel to distant settlements in search of Venaris, which they then use for their benefit.

The game looks a lot like Pokemon Go at first glance, but it has a much grander goal in terms of long-term game design.

Nearly 300 new and returning Venari types will be introduced in Legends of Venari: Beta Season. The Venari will share various qualities and appearances from the Alpha Season thanks to a new island called Pele’ino.

Badges: Beginners can earn their Venari in various ways, including the Alpha Season, special events, and the chance to receive a serialized or numbered Venari, each of which indicates ownership of one of the first 100 Venari ever created.

Constellation: Each species is associated with a Constellation. The constellations are associated with a wide variety of rarities. Constellations will determine the initial values for Venari in a subsequent release.

A Venari’s size is determined at random. Venari comes in extra-small, small, medium, large, and extra-large sizes.

Pass System: The Legends of Venari account activation NFT is a pass. Extra passes can be earned with each pass, up to a maximum. A pass’s value depends on which side it supports. The pass’ are Talaw, Vestal, and Azule.

The pass is available on OpenSea.

Legends of Venari Tokenomics

LVP is the in-game currency of the game. Since the game is still in its Beta season, few details were given by the developer about the game’s economy token.

To stay abreast of any new information concerning the game, you can check out the official website (https://legendsofvenari.com/) or any of the game’s social media channels.

Caerras Credits

Throughout Legends of Venari, premiums are paid with Caerras Credits ($CC). They wanted to ensure the game was fair and that it didn’t cost money to win when designing the token and thinking about the Tokenomics associated with it.

As a result, the team decided against issuing a token at their launch. Rather than relying on a token economy, Legends of Venari encourages players to play to capture rare and unique Venari.

Play-to-earn with Legends of Venari

The group’s goal is to control the majority of Ethereum’s most valuable assets. Included are any passes, commemorative airdrops, Venari, and future tokens. They intend to mint each Venari at the user’s discretion. Therefore, no games will be on the main chain. Legends of Venari rely on its server in the background as its authoritative hub.

For entry into Legends of Venari, the pass system serves as the entrance ticket. Sharing your pass with another person will allow you to enjoy its perks.

Each time you lend Venari, you will receive a cryptocurrency fee according to the percentage of the sale price that you choose. This percentage charge is entirely up to the alpha pass’s owner and can be anywhere from 0% to 100%.

All passes can obtain additional passes by actively playing the game. Usually, it takes around a month of regular play to get a pass. If you lend your pass to someone, they can use it to go closer to the next level of passes.

Legends of Venari, the blockchain-powered MMORPG, has launched a brand new Creator Program. This program offers creators unique opportunities to earn special perks and benefits. These include exclusive discounts on items, early access to game events, and even a chance to become a part of the team behind one of the most successful games of this generation.

The LoV Creator Program will begin accepting applications and will continue running indefinitely. It doesn’t matter when you apply as long as you match their criteria. A confirmation email will be sent to you after you have been accepted into the program.

Getting Started

You can follow these quick steps to get started with Legends Of Venari!

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Step 1: Set up wallet

Follow this guide to get set up on Metamask

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Step 2: How to Start

Follow this guide on how to get started with Legends of Venari

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Step 3: Acquire Assets

Apply for a guild below or buy assets to start playing.

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Step 4: Log In & Play

Now you can begin your adventure, good luck!

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